Sound Art installation commissioned to the sound duo A K E A and the visual artist Mercedes Marin for the "Rhythmic Encounters" art exhibition at Chalton Gallery, London.
"What would happen to our world if humans suddenly disappeared? With scientific advice from the OU’s Philip Wheeler."
In collaboration with Tandem Production, Riccardo Marcucci was the music composer, sound designer, mixer, and mastering engineer.
"How you think about time can make a big difference to how you use it. Try these easy tips for getting more out of your day."
In collaboration with Tandem Production, Riccardo Marcucci was the music composer, sound designer, mixer, and mastering engineer.
"Being more productive isn't working all the hours of the day. These tips will help you focus, get stuff done, and know when to log off."
In collaboration with Tandem Production, Riccardo Marcucci was the music composer, sound designer, mixer, and mastering engineer.